User Profile & Auction API
Campaigns auction and on-chain history user profiles
A basic greedy auction is performed when matching campaigns strategies from advertisers and user on-chain profiles.
The strategy with the highest bid will win independently of the condition number of matches with user profile properties such as specific chain balance or protocol interacted.
On-chain user history data from Debank api.
Infura nodes, for debiting advertisers and crediting publishers on each auction.
WIP: add auction seq diagram here ...
Performance Test using K6
Scenario #1
Complete auction flow, stress test including Infura and Debank
WIP: Required payed Infura node
1Mil more credits to debank api account
Scenario #2
Test load of auction including user profiling and returning a winner. We skip SC debit/credit interactions due to Infura rate limit.
More than 30 Virtual users hits rate limit on Debank Api 100 req per second
Users 30
Duration: 5 minutes
Interval between req: 5 sec
Addresses: Sample of 50 addresses interacted with Uniswap in diff chains
Scenario #3
Debank on-chain user data api will cache responses from consecutive queries of the same user address.
Last updated